Sunday, March 8, 2009

74.63% There.

Getting there. I don’t have the luxury of spending every day painting. I have many other duties that at this point in my life, take priority. I’m happy I was able to spend a few hours painting over the weekend. For a long time I felt as if I was stuck. It didn’t matter how much I was painting, it just seemed like I was going nowhere. It felt like I was going to be painting the same thing for the next few years. Never finish.

But!! this weekend I got out of the hole. I clearly see now the ending of this painting, I feel like I just started it, and that’s a good thing. The excitement is back. Of course, I have a few more weeks to go but I know exactly where I’m going and what I have to do.

In every painting I’ve done so far, I’ve found a big hurdle, a big challenge; I encountered situations that I had to figure out by myself (you know, no art book or no painting classes), for example: On the first painting “The Cajonero” the challenge was the feet. How in the hell was I going to paint feet, I’d never done it. So it took some time to play and do it over and over and over...

On the second painting “The Anticuchera”, it was the fire of the grill. Shit! FIRE!! ...I didn’t know how to do it, not only that, Fire brings lighting, so fire had a huge effect on the lady doing the grilling, so it was a little complicated. On the third painting “The Turronera” the challenge was the darkness, I wanted to show a lot of detail, but all this is happening at dusk, plus I wanted to show people in the background, so I had to play with perspective.

And of course, on this 4th painting (no name yet) I also had to get myself in a messy situation: The SUIT OF LIGHTS. I was very excited when I decided to paint the Bullfighter, then I thought: Oh Shit ...what about the suit of lights!!?, I just have to do it. I’m at a point of no return.

That’s all for now, Soon I will tell you the reasons why I painted the bullfighter, why the color of the bullring, and why the purple cape and why the color of the suit of lights. The process continues, and I want to share it with you. The suit of lights is beginning to shape up. But there’s still a lot of work to do.


1 comment:

  1. The details are amazing!

    Very well done. Now you'll be pressed by your fans to create this type of detail for your next painting as well!!
