The name of the brand of the ice-cream they carried was D’onofrio. The best and the most popular ice-cream brand at the time (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D'Onofrio). They had a huge selection of different flavors and types of ice-cream, and I have to say, they were all really good. During the summer, you would find an “Heladero” in parks, street corners, beaches, etc. and they were either pedaling heir tricycle, or just waiting for you to come and buy ice-cream. There could never be a summer without it’s inseparable companion: El Heladero”.
With this painting I just Finished, I continue with my homage to the characters that are a very important part of my city’s urban history. In my painting, the color of the tricycle and the uniform of the Heladero, are just the way I remember them. Things have changed over the years, and the color of the cart and the uniform have changed.